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i was running out of skirt
it sometimes happens like for milk or sugar
so .... i took a shirt and made one in a hurry
it's nothing new but my first time
i like the idea to change the destination
in any kind of way...
love and hate are so similar feelings
without him ... no figh
christmas roses in advance
simple dress from oldies fabric
that remind me my granma's dresses
she is gone for so long now
i made this dress for her
she gave me so much...
... my hairs and my love for fashion ...
navy mood
cheerleader inspiration
i made this dress for better days
and better weather
i am really out of myself for the moment
i work every day
i run to so many places
and i work on dresses and articles
at every free time
maybe i will desapeare soon
under hundreds of sweater that i wear on after one
here is a skinny pink one
the time is definitly grey
in november everything sounds grey and sad
it's the month i hate the most in the year
nothing never happens in november
or just depressing story
hope this year will break the tradition
10 days and 1 war
Brussels is where I am born
Somehow, it never leaves me
4 years in Tokyo
I still can't believe it ...
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