
i fell in love with this bathroom
sounds strange i know
but black and white background is such an inspiration
i was in a very pale mood today
as you can see
oh .... and it's 100% American Apparel

6 commentaires:

  1. Haha, I have to admit, that is a glorious bathroom.
    As silly as this may sound I went to a party saturday and their bathroom was beautiful as well. All the walls were made of mirror. It was like being in a funhouse.

  2. hello girl,its Hanako, I came check your blog and I love it. I really liked this outfit!!!!!I was too yellow anyways,haha. excited to see you on Thursday:) xoxo
    Ps I just started blog spot too!

  3. everything is so clean and smiple, its extrodinary=)

  4. love this set of photos and the flowers in your hair! did anyone see you take the photos? :P i just realised i don't have you on the blog list on my page, adding you right now! :)

  5. Très chou et féminin. Ces fleurs sont magnifiques accrochées à ta chevelure. ^^

    ps: sur l'article du parfum AnaïsAnaïs de Cacharel: c'est un classique, quasiment toutes les Anaïs que je connais (en commençant par moi ...) aiment ce parfum. Comme quoi son nom n'est peut-être pas un hasard, enfin ...

    clin d'oeil de Paris à une jolie tokoïte blonde !

