
i'm so happy about the new turn
american apparel is taking
feminity in its purest expression
no need of pink and ruffles
it's only the body speaking

5 commentaires:

  1. Trop mignon !
    C'est vrai qu'on trouve des trucs vraiment sympa à american apparel mais pour moi, ça reste assez cher pour ce que c'est.

  2. i've never really seen the cute side of american apparel before you!!
    i always imagined it to be too sexy, but you make everything you wear look so fun!

    do you work in the harajuku shop?
    i may pay a visit to go buy a leotard! you have inspired me~~ ^D^

  3. Hey :) I can see, that you got the shoes from American apparel - What is your size on the shoes??, it looks like they got a wrong size-guide on American Apparel homepage..??

