
un petit air retro

(skirt & scrunchie american apparel - sweater vintage - purse meyondong market)

everybody must have a fantasy
that was what my badge said
i received it from my best friend Steggi
when i feel nostalgic, i wear it and think of her
oh, and it was the perfect match with my vintage sweater

Poppy Marine Magenta

(top, pants, bow & belt american apparel - purse myeongdong market - loafers haruta)

color is just enough
poppy navy magenta
it's like sometimes words are useless
today the patterns were

Sur une ligne comme sur un fil

(skirt & belt american apparel - crop vintage - sunglasses h&m - purse longchamp - flats chic)

some days, i really just feel to go back to basics
border top as a crop
to justify it was so hot that day
and the long chiffon that always makes my day
i felt like going to the market and buy some fresh fruits

le rouge de la victoire !

(bodysuit american apparel - skirt vintage - heels marc by marc jacobs - shades h&m)

so nice day today
i am always happy to discover new talent
and today i met Kreshnik Kastrati
a young artist who also makes wonderful illustrations
he gave me that adorable piece representing
Elisabeth I

un petit tour de chine

(sweater, sunglasses & pouch american apparel - skirt liz lisa - boots laforet)

boba time in a desert china town
the sun is so high
all around here is kind of vintage
it is actually the perfect time to take a break

Un peu bleu et tres froid

(bodysuit & skirt american apparel - shades h&m - heels zara - purse miu miu)

i wish i could swim in the space
feel nothing around me
just the emptiness of the world
blue and cold

super matin !

(pouch american apparel - dress vintage - earrings romwe - heels zara)

morning time in japanese supermarket
golden time of the day
still i prefer thai tea

et la , je vis l' ocean ...

(tube bra, panty, belt & glasses american apparel - hat h&m - shorts zara)

my first moment off in california
i went to the beach of course
tasting for the first time the water of the pacific ocean
yes ... i have been living 4 years in japan, facing the very same ocean
but i have actually never been inside ....
it is so good to feel holiday mood even though it's a simple day off !