
__mom jeans__

i really do love these jeans, i know many people call them mom jeans and it's kind of true, but i really feel comfortable in it
using spring colors and wear it for fall, it's a bit of a challenge
i feel my black melissa wedges make the balance for me

jeans and bra american apparel - button-up and trench coat vintage - wedges melissa

__dark days__

days are dark recently
i go back to my basics navy and black
please, forgive the very dramatic second image, it was the best one to see the stucture of my collar
and in the same time, it is a little bit funny
halloween is almost here, and you know what, i have been working on it so much for work that i am completely disgusted now
hope it will not be the same with christmas ... 

sweater and pants american apparel - button-up forever21 - sandal vintage

__amour d'hiver__

il est temps de re-sortit mon manteau coquelicot
le rouge et le orange ne font pas partie de ma palette habituelle, surtout quand ils sont si vifs
mais ce manteau est mon amour d'hiver

manteau vintage - pullover topshop - chemise, jupe et chausettes american apparel - mocassins haruta - sac longchamp

__merveilleux manteau__

over-sized coat, here is one reason to welcome fall and even more winter
this one has a particulary unique cut
the lines of the collar, outside pockets and oversized cuffed sleeves
i found that merveille in an antique store of pomona, a little outside of LA

coat and top vintage - pants, belt and tennis shoes american apparel


i have a pair of pants acting like a skirt
it's comfortable
these remind me some kendo uniform pant

pants and sweater vintage - top american apparel - purse furla - sandals marc jacobs

__about me__

today i felt like sharing some part of my personal life trough these few pictures

when i am sad i often i like to paint or make collages. recently i paint shoes, beautiful pair of shoes

in my free time i love to craft and use my hand, i have been playing with leather a lot, if you're curious to see the result, click here

some days it relaxes me to pull items out of my closet, fold it, and organize it by color, knowing that the miracle wont last long

i do not own an ipad but i have the case, i enjoy carrying my notebooks it it

__a l'envers__

un petit pas en avant, un petit pas en arriere. parfois j'aime revenir a mes premiers amours.
nude et rose
je ne me suis pas mal reveillee ce matin, juste j'ai decide de mettre mon gilet a l'envers
j.crew vent ces pullovers avec boutonnieres dans le dos, et j'ai tout de suite beaucoup aime
alors j'improvise a ma propre sauce, avec un mohair en v
personellement, j'aime assez le resultat

cardigan and pants american apparel - button-up my boyfriend's - loafers elie tahari

__lazy fuzzy__

summer is always late in LA, so the hot days are here and so is the ac
i hate ac, it is just something that i am not used to and probably will never be used to
so everytime i am exposed (like in the plane) i get sick, that explain the poor face i have on the picture
happy side tough, i can finally enjoy sweaters and lazy knits
side not, my braid is as messy as my brain with all these caugh medicines!

sweater, tennis and cap american apparel - jeans zara

__ne me touches pas__

certains jours restent basiques et decontractes
comme si je ne voulais pas sentir les vetements que je porte
cela fait maintenant bientot 4 ans que je porte american apparel tous les jours de ma vie
il en devient difficle parfois de pouvoir ce souvenir du temps d'avant
par chance j'aime l'effet minimal

pullover & jupe american apparel - pouch forever21 - sandales marc jacobs

__in circle__

i really start to like acid wash
things with fashion ... you always end loving something you used to hate
or at least i do.

button-up, skirt and sweater american apparel - packpack vintage coach - loafers haruta