
__kimono me__

i bought that blue patterned dress last june. i loved the fabric very much but the dress itself was quite big for me.
i thought about cutting it and make it a mini, but at then end i just decided to wear it open like a kimono almost. 
this outfit is still simple and quite minimal but there is a little something bohemian to it, which is kind of new to me. have i spent to much time in LA? we'll see what's next.

kimono vintage - top zara - pants american apparel - jelly sandals topshop

3 commentaires:

  1. I hate your kimono as well (I am the button-up loather). It reminds me of grandma's dresses. And I love grandmas, but I hate their being old. I consider old age a disease of bodies that spotless minds have to fight unceasingly.
    I mean: come on! there's no beauty in death and my god knows I am right... I just haven't met him yet.
    You make me feel so helpless with that kimono.

  2. Me, I love your kimono!
