
__some are classics__

classic chilly day
somedays are like that, cold, even here
my new pencil jean is to be paired with my favorite white button-up (again, i know)
and then use my husband's cardigan as a comfortable cape

jeans american apparel - button-ups los angeles street - cardigan rag & bone for target - boots zara - purse furla

3 commentaires:

  1. J'aime beaucoup cette tenue ! Bizarre peut-être mais je trouve qu'elle va bien avec ta nouvelle coupe, et les couleurs sombres mettent tes cheveux en valeur :)

  2. Always loved your blog und liking this outfit in particular but have to admit I did nt really like the last ones.
    Best were the ones more classy and chic like on your chictopia:

    Best regards, Sophia
